Sunday 8 July 2007

How to get something you really want from a daddy

How to manipulate my daddy, "i love you daddy" is just one of the few ways to get to my dad to give me something, i used to say to my mum when she said no to something "it doesn't matter I'll just ask daddy he'll say yes" he always did, now i just sit on my dad's lap and give him a kiss and a cuddle and ask him for something quickly, the reply every time "you'll have to save up for it then I'll get you it" my reply " i have got the money " *cough* i begged my dad for a trampoline for 2 years until i got one, I'm now out to get my own laptop and a swimming pool a little far fetched but hey I'm a kid and its my job!!!!!!
I've told my dad that he has to buy me these things as I'm not old enough to work yet, I've told him he'll have to raise my pocket money or I'll torture him with the bottom lip thing and i don't love you anymore daddy thing.
I do ice-skating which is one of my talents, but its the most expensive one, but i often have competitions, i do very well in my competitions and have many trophies, plus my skating is a brilliant social sport.

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